100+ Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2024

So dear readers and students, today we are going to give you a lot of collection of Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers which you will surely like.

This question answer is a storage of Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers which you must know if you are from India.

Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers
Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Adults
Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Students
Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers In English
Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Adults Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Students Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers In English

This question is very important for your knowledge because it is a Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers which every Indian citizen should know and it is a very simple question which you can easily remember.

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Scroll down quickly and read all the question answers one by one.

Q.1 Which is the third-highest civilian award in India?
Answer: Padma Bhushan

Q.2 Silent Valley National Park is situated in which state?
Answer: Kerela

Q.3 Which is the lower house of the Parliament of India?
Answer: Lok Sabha

Q.4 Name the riverbank on which the Taj Mahal is situated?
Answer: Yamuna

Q.5 Who was the first Mughal emperor of India?
Answer: Babur

Q.6 Who was the first Indian Governor-General of Independent India?
Answer: Rajagopalachari

Q.7 What is the official language of Odisha?
Answer: Odia

Q.8 Where was Mahatma Gandhi born?
Answer: Porbandar

Q.9 Identify the state which is not landlocked.
Answer: Andhra Pradesh

Q.10 How many years is the term of office for the President of India?
Answer: 5

Q.11 Which is the longest river flowing in India?
Answer: Ganga

Q.12 Which one of the below state’s Pincode starts with 2?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Q.13 Which state in India shares a boundary with only one Indian state?
Answer: Sikkim

Q.14 What is the national song of India?
Answer: Vande Matram

Q.15 Who built the Great Stupa at Sanchi?
Answer: Ashoka

Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Students

Q.16 Who was the first Guru of the Sikhs?
Answer: Guru Nanak

Q.17 Which was the first satellite of India?
Answer: Aryabhatta

Q.18 What is the capital of India?
Answer: New Delhi

Q.19 Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

Q.20 Where is Tehri Dam situated?
Answer: Uttrakhand

Q.21 What is the retirement age of the Chief Justice of India?
Answer: 65 Years

Q.22 Who is known as Father of the Nation?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q.23 Which is the highest peak in South India?
Answer: Anamudi

Q.24 When is National Voters’ Day celebrated in India?
Answer: 25 January

Q.25 Name the director of the Hindi film “Lagaan”?
Answer: Ashutosh Gowariker

Q.26 Which planet is also called the red planet?
Answer: Mars

Q.27 Who appoints the attorney general of India?
Answer: parliament

Q.28 Which is the biggest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Jupiter

Q.29 What is the minimum age to become a prime minister of India?
Answer: 25 years

Q.30 Which is the hottest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Venus

Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers For Adults

Q.31 Who was the first vice President of India?
Answer: Dr. sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

Q.32 Which star is nearest to the earth?
Answer: Sun

Q.33 Who was India’s first woman Ambassador?
Answer: CB Muthamma

Q.34 What the name of Saturn’s biggest moon?
Answer: Titan

Q.35 Who is the India’s first President?
Answer: Rajendra Prasad

Q.36 Who was the first woman to go into space?
Answer: Valentina tereshkova

Q.37 Who started the quit India movement in the year 1942?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

Q.38 Which country started the world’s first newspaper?
Answer: China

Q.39 Who is the first woman to climb Mount Everest?
Answer: Santosh Yadav

Q.40 Who invented the steam engine?
Answer: James Watt

Q.41 Who become prime minister of India in the year 1966?
Answer: Indra Gandhi

Q.42 Who called the father of the computer?
Answer: Charles Babbage

Q.43 The highest body which approves the five year plan to over country is?
Answer: National development council

Q.44 In which country was chess invented?
Answer: India

Q.45 Who is the head of Indian constitution?
Answer: President

Common General Knowledge Questions And Answers In English

Q.46 Where is mount Everest situated?
Answer: Nepal

Q.47 Which state has the highest number of representative in both the houses?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Q.48 Which is the smallest country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City

Q.49 Who was the first speaker of the lok sabha?
Answer: Ganesh Vasudev mavlankar

Q.50 Which is the biggest ocean?
Answer: Pacific Ocean

Q.51 Total number of High court in India is?
Answer: 25

Q.52 Which is the world’s largest rainforest?
Answer: The Amazon

Q.53Which country is the largest country in the world?
Answer: Russia

Q.54 What is the boiling point of water?
Answer: 100°c

Q.55 Where is the famous Sun temple in India located?
Answer: Konark Odisha

Q.56 Who is known as the father of mathematics
Answer: Archimedes

Q.57 The largest democracy in the world?
Answer: India

Q.58 Where is Taj Mahal located in India?
Answer: Agra

Q.59 How many colour does a rainbow have?
Answer: Seven

Q.60 Who discovered India
Answer: Vasco da Gama

Q.61 Which country’s National anthem has only music and no words?
Answer: Spain

Q.62 Which state in India has the highest population?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Q.63 What is the full form of SIM?
Answer: Subscribe identity module

Q.64 Which is the first Indian film?
Answer: Raja Harishchandra

Q.65 Which is the tallest statue in the world?
Answer: The statue of unity in India

Q.66 The first actress to be nominated to rajya sabha?
Answer: Nargis Dutt

Q.67 Who was the first President of the United States?
Answer: George Washington

Q.68 What is computer brain?
Answer: CPU

Q.69 Which flower is used to make cooking oil?
Answer: Sunflower

Q.70 Who is known as the iron man of India?
Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Q.71 Which is the largest fish in the world?
Answer: Whale Sharks

Q.72Which place is called the pink city of India?
Answer: Jaipur

Q.73 The Tea garden of India is called?
Answer: Assam

Q.74 Which one is the biggest island in the world?
Answer: Greenland

Q.75 Which country first introduced the bullet trains?
Answer: Japan

So dear readers and students, today we have provided you, a store of many Common General Knowledge Questions and Answers, which you must have read, then you must have come to know the answers to these questions and your knowledge has also increased. .

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